quinta-feira, 16 de abril de 2020

You will lose (or keep weight)

The platoon of scientists who did a survey on diabetes thought they had little work and decided to research obesity in the four corners of the planet. For that, data were tabulated from 19.2 million adults from 186 nations between 1975 and 2014. They found that the average Body Mass Index (BMI), a calculation used to assess physical form, went from 21 in the 1970s to 24 today - clear tendency for fattening.
The number of obese people jumped from 105 million to 641 in the meantime. The authors estimate that the chance of reaching the goals of reducing overweight in the coming decades is equal to zero. "Excess weight leads to the accumulation of fat in the heart, high cholesterol and pressure, uncontrolled glucose and release of inflammatory substances", lists endocrinologist Maria Edna de Melo, from the Brazilian Association for the Study of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome. That is, everything that hurts the chest.

BMI goals (weight / height2)
Underweight less than 18.5
Ideal weight between 18.5 and 25
Overweight between 25 and 30
Grade 1 obesity between 30 and 35
Grade 2 obesity between 35 and 40
Obesity grade 3 more than 40

What to do?
There is nothing better than the old exercise formula, healthy eating and dedication to shedding extra pounds. In severe cases, doctors evaluate the indication of medication or surgery.

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