People who have high
blood pressure, diabetes, dyslipidemia (presence of high levels of lipids -
fats - in the blood) and cardiovascular problems are the ones who should pay special
attention to health throughout the year. Those who have these diseases need to
be aware and make the appropriate control, not being able to afford to
temporarily suspend or take medications irregularly, since any carelessness can
be very harmful and have serious consequences. There are certain diseases in
which it is not enough to take a medication for a certain period and simply
stop the body from reacting well. It is necessary to follow the treatment, with
adaptations in lifestyle, food, living environment and the use of medicines. To
scale the problem, the lack of control of blood pressure or cholesterol for
long periods can lead to risks of stroke and degeneration of coronary arteries
or other vascular systems. In the case of diabetes treatment, not paying due
attention to medical recommendations regarding diet, medication and physical
activity and remaining with high levels of glycated hemoglobin may not present
immediate problems, but in the long term there are risks of developing
ischemia, insufficiency kidney disease, diabetic retinopathy, coronary artery
disease, among others.
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