quinta-feira, 16 de abril de 2020

You will adopt a healthy menu

An investigation by the University of Oxford, in England, followed 450,000 Chinese for four years to find out how they consumed fruits and vegetables. About 18% of the participants ate these fresh foods every day. When compared to the group of respondents who said they did not eat vegetables, they had lower blood pressure and glucose levels under short reins.
And look, these are just one of the ideal diet items for heart health. “Omega-3, found in cold water fish such as sardines and salmon, and fibers, present in whole grains, also act in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases”, highlights nutritionist Marcia Gowdak, scientific director of the Department of Nutrition at Society of Cardiology of the State of São Paulo.
Life’s Simple 7 still asks to cool down on sodium and sugary drinks. “Salt abuse leads to hypertension and stimulates appetite, which makes us overdo meals,” explains Marcia. Sugar from soft drinks and juices, in turn, opens the door to weight gain.

5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day
2 servings of fish a week, especially those rich in omega-3s
3 servings of whole grains or cereals per day
Less than 1 500 milligrams of sodium per day
Less than 450 calories from sugary drinks per week

What to do?
Go to the fair and enjoy fruits and vegetables to create tasty and varied recipes. Do not put salt shakers on the table (season everything first) and prefer homemade juices.

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